Monday, April 7, 2014


After reading the heart-wrenching story about a mother who had to sacrifice her life to deliver her baby, I thought to myself..." What is the point of having a baby, when you won't be alive to take care of it?!" Is it a must for the woman to have that baby herself? When she could have got a 'surrogate carrier' (a woman who volunteers to carry your pregnancy for you).

This lady who was diagnosed with an early stage of cancer and was asked to do an MRI ( a highly invasive type of X-ray ), found out that she was pregnant. If she went ahead and did the MRI, it would destroy her baby in the womb and she would stand a chance of getting cured. She decided to save the baby and refused the MRI. She was a first time mom and wanted to have the experience and give her child a chance to live. By the time she delivered her baby in January, the cancer had spread and to a point beyond control and cure. She died in March but the baby lives. 

I am not happy about the decision this woman all. I have friends who had to terminate their pregnancy because at the same time, it was discovered that they had cancer of the breast. Kia, Kia, they did not hesitate to remove the pregnancy. Lol!... Life is just too sweet to die because of baby! Even though these my friends have not explored the option of getting someone to help them carry their baby. Don't mind them, I think it's ignorance worrying them. They think the baby will then not be theirs, that it will bear the 'carrier's' blood. But they are plain wrong, what my friends do not know is that, The carrier is just a carrier! The baby is not the woman's own but got from fertilizing their eggs with their husbands' sperm and then transferred to the 'carrier's' womb. So what the carrier will just be providing for the baby to survive is oxygen and nutrition! At the end of the day, you have your life and the baby, living as one happy family. You think I am lying? Look at Guiliana, that E-news host( or is it hostess)!

My point is that, if you know you have been diagnosed with early stage cancer which stands a chance being cured and you are pregnant,please don't play 'Hero' and keep the pregnancy (which worsens the situation)...get it out and then explore other options of having your baby. #God forbid that any of us will come to the point of having to choose because of cancer. It is not our portion in Jesus name. Amen.

On the other hand, if it is your destiny to die this way, please my guest!

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