Getting married is easy but staying married is trickier. A lot of women spend their marital lives saying "Yes sir, Yes Sir, ...three bags full" to their husbands without being able to truly express themselves. They do everything possible to make their husbands happy even when they are dying slowly inside because they feel that the love is not reciprocated. Meanwhile, the poor husband is oblivious of this fact because he's getting the impression that his wife is extremely happy doing everything for him.
Here are a list of big time mistakes women commit that can cost them their marriage:
1. Being Quick to Please Your Husband, not once but all the time. It's all about him and not both of you. With time, he either takes you for granted or he gets bored of you! Before you take any decision, discuss with him.
2. Not Being Clear About Your Expectations from onset. Like I said in a previous post (Read Here), know what to expect from your spouse and marriage from day 1. Do not be on auto-pilot. That is, do not operate based on assumptions. This can lead to a lot of resentment later in the marriage.
3. Under-estimating the Effect of Tone of Voice. Mind the tone in which you speak. Remember that you are dealing with an African, moreso a Nigerian. It's not really what you say that matters but how you say it. How you say it, just has to portray some level of respect.
4. Mismatched Communication Styles. Sometimes, how and when you stay stuff, might not be good enough to get your husband's attention. Imagine choosing to say something to your hussy while and when he settles to watch his favourite football match.
5. Not Making Sex a Priority. Excuse?... tiredness or fatigue from work or vigil! Serious mistake. Most Nigerian wives don't make sex a priority because they don't feel sexy. It's high time they prioritized self-care.
6. Forgetting to Cherish Their Spouse. Lots of wives get 'lost' in caring for kids, work, home and church affairs, that they forget their husbands exist. It would be nice if you doled out smiles, eye contact, hugs, touches that 'shout' "I see you" or "I love you".
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