In the past, being a '
Housewife' didn't really mean anything apart from a woman who just stays at home to 'man' the home-front. But these days, the word 'Housewife' connotes 'stay home mum who does no other work apart from cooking, cleaning, rearing kids, gossiping, forming or joining the famous 'wives'association', generally minding other people's business' as compared to being a '
Home-maker' who is a stay-home mum that cooks, cleans, rears kids, 'mans' her home front, has an extra job to earn some cash (and probably respect) and generally minding her business.
I have observed that apart from the many 'jobs' the housewife is involved in, they are good at 'monitoring' fact very good! They monitor everything monitorable, even their husbands. They are never comfortable staying in their space until they move into yours!
If you are a husband out there, your wife has a 'monitoring spirit' if she does any of the following and more...*hehehe*

You guys feeling me! Lolz!

Infact some wives kill their husband's phone batteries in the process!

...and they end up getting the shock of their lives!

...even when nothing is going on. Her mind keeps playing tricks on her. #yabalefttinz
Or anytime, your family members are having a private discussion with you, you catch them doing this...

Talk about major insecurity issues!

...just when she thinks she's not doing enough to monitor you! O gaa O!!
And after she has exhausted all avenues of monitoring you,...
I only have one word for you 'Monitoring-spirited' wife, Do a Turn-around and...
And don't worry, I will be praying for you on my own end!
U hv actually minister 2 me this morrning. Thumb up
ReplyDeletecome here did u read tge piece at all? stupid question.YOU Didnt park well jo.
ReplyDeleteIt's either you didn't read the piece, or you didn't understand it.
ReplyDeleteMajor insecurity issue Jane. She never said all housewives are monitoring spirited...she was just advising those who are. so if it doesn't apply to you. ... fair enough. No need freaking out
ReplyDeleteMajor insecurity issue Jane. She never said all housewives are monitoring spirited...she was just advising those who are. so if it doesn't apply to you. ... fair enough. No need freaking out