Saturday, September 20, 2014


According to @Giditraffic, who retweeted this tweet, asking which woman men would rather marry?

So guys, which lady would you prefer? Please be honest, and don't copy yourselves!!

Time starts now...


  1. Hahahahaha from de 2 pics babe with dat kind of shape u know men are moved by wht de see de will even offer u stay lilk dat forever by de time de are tired of seeing and want to switch to a fresher one u mst hav wasted ur time and age so for I hav been an advocate of being on ur own u will live longer and happier dan de other

  2. You're asking if I want to be a house husband or have a housewife? Abi?
    If she can support me with respect and follow my vision for the family, it doesn't really matter.

  3. My answer is any of the above. Both have good and bad sides. I said any of the above, because one of my roles will be to nuture my wife to understand that marriage is made by God. Another is like the first : to build up trust between us and we can pursue common goals. Madam A needs to learn that it's not all about money. She has to be a good wife first and then comes career borne out of mutually shared visions. Madam B needs to get some clothes and 'cover body ' because she is my property and not for other people to devour, and also she needs to know that there is work to learn and do!
