Just when I had started believing that not all housekeepers or maids were thieves, my come-and-go housekeeper had to disprove that fact. And my goodness, her age! Na wah O! Theiving has no age limit sha!
For as long as I can remember, I have always had live-in maids because I thought that was the wiser thing to do especially, considering the fact that I had young kids. But if truth be told, they are usually useless after 7pm except if you are an extremely dependent and lazy housewife!
Anyways, I soon found out that these so-called live-in maids had a different agenda which if not discovered on time could crumble the home you sweated for. So I opted for come-and-go maids (and elderly for that matter) who would have no agenda as such, or so I presumed.
This one I got, looked like she fit into the criteria I needed. She appears to be in her early/late 40s and she has grown up kids, the last being 9yrs old. She looks like she could and would not hurt a fly or a soul, devout muslim, quiet and not a talker. Wetin consign me, make she do the work well. I simply told her before she resumed work that I despised stealers and liars! All she needed to do was ask and it would be hers (of course as long as it was convenient for me).
To cut story short, she was doing well for about 3mths when I started noticing that my older kids' clothes, under-wears and stockings seemed to be missing in ones and twos. I just thought maybe my kids were just careless and so didn't bother raising an alarm. And since I hadn't been complaining, she moved to my foodstuffs! You see, I wouldn't have bothered if I were the domesticated type who enjoyed the luxury of cooking and going to the foodmarket...well, sorry to disappoint you, I HATE COOKING, WASHING, GOING TO THE MARKET,ETC. That is not to say I don't do them but any opportunity to avoid them, I would!
So you see, for that reason, I love to plan ahead, I get the major household things in bulk which includes my onions...now it's the issue of the onions that prompted me to vent this way. I noticed my onions which would normally last for a month, lasted only for about 2weeks. And that's weird, considering the fact I don't cook like that. So, I set a trap for her. One day I noted I had 50 onions left and when I checked soon after she left, it was down to 42...Hmmm!
The next day she came and found my pantry locked with almost all her favourite things in it (rice, knorr cubes, cereal, my favourite spices, etc)! She should learn to ask without stealing and leaving me disorganised! She wasn't happy for a while but that one consign am! Soldier come,Soldier go! All the coming-emptyhanded-and-going-with-a-full-bag stopped. *Hehehehe* *laughing in chinese*
Now, she has started asking for things the proper way...but I still keep my stuffs under lock and key! *sticking tongue out*