Wifeys, I don't mean to burst your bubble talkless of poking it! But now, I am beginning to get seriously disgusted.
I just met a lady who appeared to be heavy with child and she was even moving like one. I even said, "Eeyah, pele O!" and then asked her when she was due. She said it all depends on the Lord, that she was ready for labour any time! I thought she was joking and offered to laugh! So I said, "Seriously, how old is your pregnancy?" She replied by saying "1yr 3mths". Yikes!
I asked if she had done any scan to show or prove it was a baby in there. She said she didn't think it was necessary because it would mean doubting God. And she left it at that and I didn't even bother changing her mind set.
Please if you know you are carrying 'pregnancy' of more than 10mths, IT IS NOT PREGNANCY O! Don't be delaying your own normal God-given pregnancy. Go and find out what is occupying your womb and take it out if need be.
The longer you leave the fake pregnancy, the more precious time you will be wasting! It is most likely FIBROIDS!!...and you are probably in heart failure!
You no try o
ReplyDeleteYou shld have made her do a scan
Wasn't she attending ANC? Hadn't she had a scan done on the "pregnancy" before?
I would have adviced her but you shuld have seen the way she talked about this pregnancy. From the tone of her voice to her attitude, you could tell she wasn't prepared to be told otherwise.