Tuesday, March 25, 2014


Issy dear, I never in my wildest dreams thought I would be writing this...what is this exactly?? Is this supposed to be a 'love' letter to a long lost friend or an ode to a friend whom I will never see again or just a way of finding closure?

I remember the first day I met you back in our 'jambite' days, how talkative, how so full of life and extremely emotional you were. And out of everyone, you chose me as your 'bestie'.

I remember how immediately you stepped intoa room, everyone whether blind, deaf and dumb would know that "Isioma is 'ere"!

You were too friendly to a fault. Everyone was your friend. You always had something say...Isioma had to have the last word. You were so witty, so intelligent. And the most amazing thing about you was how you had the propensity to forget easily any hurt done to you...but not until you have said your mind!

For these reasons, I can't imagine why anyone would want to hurt you talkless of murdering you in your sleep! What a cowardly bastardly act. He knew the only way he could get you was in your sleep! He knew you were much stronger than him.

I or rather we (because I wasn't the only one who searched for you) should have know something was amiss when you suddenly stopped updating your facebook page. 

Now, you see, all I have left of you are memories, plain old memories. Memories of you smiling, laughing...oh! that laugh! Issy, you sure knew how to laugh. Who didn't know Isioma and her laughter!

Though I know you've gone with the wind and are safe wherever you are where no one can ever hurt you again, I can't help but think that you will suddenly update your facebook page and tell us that you are still alive and well. 

You have made only realise that DEATH is only too real and sure. When? I cannot say. I am left to ponder on my remaining days on earth and leave an impact on people's lives, just as you did.

Issy baby, keep resting in the Lord and I pray your parents and Uche, as well as your beautiful kids find solace in God. 


  1. Thanks for the beautiful piece, Chidi. You really captured her essence. RIP, beautiful vivacious Issy. God will comfort, protect and guide your family as only He can best do. Amen!

  2. Issy baby....there are no words....I miss that roaring laughter, that presence ....God knows best

  3. I can't believe what I just read.....Isioma is late.
    I do remember vividly the last time I saw her, at the airport it was she was so full of life and hope of a great future. She just got into a program in US and was on her way out.......death has robbed us of another rare gem. RIP Issy

  4. I can't believe this.I remember u so well.in Qc,u loved ur lil sis so much,I knew cos I was in her class.u checked up on her so often and ur mum,smart looking,friendly nurse.I can't believe this.

  5. Isioma, this is so sad. I just cannot stop being shocked. I cannot believe what has happened. So young with everything to live for. Kai. Rest in peace sweet girl. You are safe.

  6. Isioma, this is so sad. I just cannot stop being shocked. I cannot believe what has happened. So young with everything to live for. Kai. Rest in peace sweet girl. You are safe.

  7. Rest in perfect peace and I pray that monster claiming to be your husband gets the maximum sentence......
