Never move out of or from (any grammar you choose is fine by me) your matrimonial home because of 2 major reasons:
1. Because you had a major or minor quarrel!
2. Because you caught your husband cheating on you or suspected relationship with another idiot (even if it is pants down)
Any other reason apart from these 2 as reasons for moving out are just trivial.
Now, for the sake of some women who are slow in understanding all I have said, you can move out for 2 major reasons:
1. domestic violence in any form (infact you will flourish more if you do move out)
2. threat to life, kids or properties (you don't need to hang on to see if he is just bluffing!)
I know there are some evil friends who will be fast to tell you to move out at the slightest conflict especially if it is in a case of infidelity. My dear colleague, it is to fight the devil to finish in your home O! Don't ever enter marriage thinking your spouse is a saint, anything can happen to anyone. Even if you are the saint, don't think automatically your spouse has to be a saint! For the record, even if you leave your spouse because of infidelity, what is the guarantee that the next person you end up with won't do worse! So stay and do some repairs no matter how difficult. #would you pack to another house just because of a leaking roof or cracked wall? #just asking
What you may not know is that the devil does not like union, so the fool is ready to scatter what God has joined and blessed! Haven't you noticed that most marriages joined by court and not done in the church almost always end up on the rocks! What do you expect when God has not given his approval. # I am not saying you should go and start harassing your husband for a church wedding please O!
My dear colleagues, apart from the reason of domestic violence, please remain in your homes and solve your problems. Don't even have a weekend get away to clear your head. Clear your head on the other side of your matrimonial bed or better still, move to the kids' room or the guest room. All I am saying is that you should sha remain under that roof! Because if you dare venture out, 'Salewa' or 'Sister Deborah' might just move in. You know that is exactly what the devil wants. Any friend or relative advising you to leave the house to get yourself is deceiving you and I should warn you that you need to distant yourself from such a person.
It happened to a close friend of mine (or so I thought because she turned deaf ears to all I advised her and consulted with other 'friends' who told her what she wanted to hear!). When she moved out, she came back about a week later to pick up some of her other items, guess who opened the door for her?...her 'friend'! *laughing in Portuguese*
Prayers! Prayers!! Prayers!!! my fellow colleagues.
what if the man moves out.?
ReplyDeleteMy dear, still stay put! And then, start firing prayers and more prayers. The prayers will lead him back home but you have to be really patient with God. In the mean time, you will not reign abuses or nag or even call the 'walking corpse' he is with! *sebi, it was OJB's first wife that ended up saving his butt! Agaracha go surely come back!*
ReplyDeleteNa wa ooo,it sure isnt easy wt us wives o,love ur blog madam,keep up d good work cos its sure touchings lives of naija wives like me,am just not d commenting type but i want to differ today.Here's my story;while i was dating my hubby,he had a string of girls he was also dating,i liked him but didnt take him serious but eventually he started gettinG more serious wt me and told me to help him by being more conistent so that d others wl see d writng on d wall n take a bow,foolishly i tot that was d solution,i had to even redeploy bak to where he resided.eventually we got married and i discovered in no far distance into our marriage that he didnt cut off from those relationships.It was a shocker for me and in d beginning i found it hard to cope,i was depressed,lost my self esteem(with all sense of modesty i might add that i'm not a bad-looking lady and i still get chased by cute guys,i also do all that is humanly possible both in bed and outside to be d best wife n partner i can be),fast forward 11yrs now into our marriage n 3luvli healthy kids,hes still seeing almost all d girls i knew him with,especially a particular one who i later learnt loves my hubby very much,he saves her number with names like VIP,sweety precious,and recently on his birthday i discovered that even after i discovered those things and thrashed it out wt him,he has now changed it to sweetest,did i forget d part where i happen not to have a single pet name by my husband,and that he doesnt even show remorse,or even want to change?He closees from work n heads straight for her place(i know this bcos things he buys nbrings home,his laundry,his barber etc r all in that area)..I have been praying n fasting but my dear(s) theres always d nagging thought that i shd leave cos from all indications,she seems to be his soulmate and I,d side chick even tho im d wife.sometimes i feel like tracking her down n either beg her or fight her,depending on my mood wen we com face to face, to leave my hubby for me but i fear for d kind of revelations i might hear from her..donly intimacy btwn us is d one i initiate,i cld go on and on.On d other hand,he provides our needs and is a good father to our kids and is there for us generally.But intimacy wise,i'm still hoping on God,sorry for my long epistle but sisters,what shd i do ooo
ReplyDeleteMy dear, hold on tight to your bible. You are still his wife no matter what, she's the loser! He will never marry her! When your hussy is tired, he will just spit her out like chaff! Prayer hastens that time when he will spit her out! As long as he is doing what he is supposed to be doing for the family, my dear no shaking!
DeletePiece of advice: when you invade his privacy such as going through his phones, facebook and you see 'threatening' materials, pls do not rub it on his will only suceed in pushing him away and distrusting you. Just increase your hustle and swag to maintain your home and keep your hussy.