Thursday, February 6, 2014


I know many of you might be wondering why I am talking about this topic, but a close friend lost her 10yr old 2 days ago due to HYPERTENSION. It's really sad.
All of you who think it's impossible for kids to have hypertension, please think again. Even though it's commoner in adults than in children, it stills occurs in kids.

My friend had to agree that she caused it. Her child was obese (what most of you might refer to as being really fat) and in her mind she was sort of proud of it because she thought it was a sign "eating well" and that it was a proof that her parents had money. My friend would pack 'orisirisi' in her daughter's lunch box(all sorts of junk food you can imagine) and then give her money on top of that. So you can imagine what happened over the years!

There are many causes of Hypertension in kids; one of which there might be no known cause and others which may include:
- obesity
- kidney disease
- heart disease
- any disease that has stayed long (as in really long)

But this hypertension can be treated on time if it is caught early. And how do we know if our child has hypertension? By checking their blood pressure at least once a year in a good hospital that has the right equipment to check children's blood pressure. You cannot use the instrument that they use for adults to check the child's own (it will not give a true result). It will not cost you anything to check your child's blood me. Just check!

Back to the major cause of this blood pressure in the child, let us as mothers try to watch what you give your children to eat (especially as a major meal). Your child should have at least 3 healthy meals a day which should include vegetables, fruits and of course, a healthy amount of water intake instead of the 'Bobo' or 'Caprisonne' that mothers give.

As in between meals snack, you can give, fruits, Ribena drink (contains a lot of vitamin C), even cornflakes or Golden morn with a healthy amount of milk. Anything that won't add value to a child's health is not worth giving. Na you go suffer am! You can give him/her a treat once in a while such as ice-cream, meatpies, cakes, etc. 

I still do not understand why some parents give their children money. Do you honestly believe they will buy a proper meal with it...stop fooling yourselves because they won't. They end up buying those rubbish nutritionless biscuits, sweets and deadly ice-creams! Please mothers, take timeout to cook proper meals for your kids especially for your kids! Don't be lazy about it. Trust me when I tell you that "Na you go suffer am!"

A word is enough for the wise! O gwuchala!

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