Sunday, June 15, 2014


Happy Father's Day guys!

Is not easy! *Abeg, chop knuckle jare! *

Is it easy to pay school fees?

Is it easy to pay house rent?

Is it easy to give madam housekeeping money regularly?

Is it easy to toil night and day just to make sure your family is comfortable?

Is it easy to take the children out for fun especially on special occasions such as these?

...what else do fathers do self?!...If it's mothers now, the list would have been endless!

If you know you are a father just by name and not by action, as in you have not been doing the! My mum says you are nothing but "Man in skirt and blouse"   *No be me talk am O*

May God continue to protect our Fathers and let them live long to continue to do their work (especially to see our children up to and more than university level). AMEN !

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