Good morning blog readers!
Lol! A lot of you guys are not serious sha! I'm still getting mails for free recharge cards even when it was stated clearly that the Independent Giveaway was to end at 12am. It's all good sha.
This month, I have decided to theme it "Breast Cancer Awareness Month". Everything involving Awareness, Prevention and Treatment of Breast Cancer will be discussed on this blog for the month of October. We should all join hands and fight the scourge of Breast Cancer and we should try and support those who have just been recently diagnosed or undergoing treatment for breast cancer. I must tell you it's not easy.
So much 'noise' is being made about Breast Cancer and Breast Self-Examination (BSE)as one of the screening methods against it. But little is being said and done about ensuring that women really know how to examine their breasts! A lot of women know about BSE but don't know how to do it. This is very key to early detection of breast cancer.
One of the myths of BSE is that "Only older women should do it", that it really doesn't concern the adolescent child. This is absolutely wrong! BSE should be taught to every girl who have developed breasts and is menstruating. The earlier this child learns the technique, the faster it becomes a habit. It will come in handy especially if there is a family history of breast cancer.
So, stay connected with Naijahousewife to get regular updates on Breast cancer and Survivor Stories.
Follow me on Twitter @naijahousewife
Dr skid is we miss youuuuu!